Jonothan Clements and the history of the anime industry

Recently published on his Facebook page, Prolific writer and commentator on anime and manga [and in my own opinion one of the two best authorities on anime an manga in the west, the other being Helen McCarthy]Jonathan Clements also left us a gift of sort – ill let him explain:

In the unlikely event that any of you want to read my PhD thesis, the PDF is now up online at my Dropbox for a limited time. Those who have read my anime history for the BFI will find much cross-over, although the first 76 pages are much more involved and heavy-duty theory. The title is A History of the Japanese Animation Industry: Developing Technologies, Changing Formats and Evolving Audiences. It was passed by the committee yesterday as an “A”, with no changes required.

for those interested can download the thesis froim his Dropbox here.

The return of the victorian romance – Yen press to republish Kaoru Mori’s Emma

emma and william

So Yen press, at their panel at New York Comic Con on Friday have announced, amongst other titles, the release of Kaoru Mori’s series Emma.

As some of you who read my blog [as active as it have been] i absolutely love Mori’s work and to hear now that Emma is finally returning to the west after many years in the wilderness due the previous license holder CMX’S closure and while it will be as a 2-in1 omnibus edition this still doesn’t detract from the fact that if there is one series you should be buying [especially if you only know her by her most recent work bride story] it should most definitely be this be this.

If your new to Kaoru Mori then pop over to my artist spotlight to find out more about her work